Kalkitech ASE SCL Manager 

ASE SCL Manager (part of the ASE 61850 Suite) is a flexible tool for modelling IEC 61850 systems. 

It includes multiple profiles such as substations, wind, hydro and DER systems with both Ed.1.0 and Ed.2.0 support.

New features in the 4.8.1 release are focused on :


  • SCL/SLD Modelling of Power Systems
  • Enhancement of Private Logical Nodes
  • Assistance Fixing SCL Schema Errors

SCL/SLD modelling of Power Systems

  • Extend SSD export to all Project Types. Apply substation topology to other profiles and create LN filters based on project type
  • Create New IED features offers “Configure Logical Nodes” option Enabled (default)

Enhancement of Private Logical Nodes

  • Removed Project type selection option from Private Logical Node. Allows Private Logical Node created in one profile to be available in other Project Types For temporary inclusion of LN from other Project Types, added “Open using Other Project Types” option. User may add necessary LNs from newly selected Project types.
  • Synchronized LN selection option in Private Logical Nodes same as Add LN option under Logical Node Tab (instead of flat list in 4.8.0). This allows reusing of Private LNs to create new Private LNs
  • Multiple items delete option in Private Logical Node screen
  • Added option to retain previous Private Logical Nodes list created by the user during new installation (old template files not overwritten)

Assistance Fixing SCL Schema Errors

  • Additional option to fix Project SCL File issues as a result of invalid files imported into the project
  • Option to fix SCL errors during SCL import. This allows User to import clean file by fixing schema errors. Also added Force Import option if User wants to export with errors
  • Export schema default to Project schema so that export will automatically go through schema validation. Added Force Export option if User wants to export with errors